imdb score5.2
imdb ranking0
하우스풀 3 (2016) / Housefull 3
요약 - powered by
장르 액션, 코메디, 멜로
런타임 140분
제작사 Clydedale Films
감독 사지드, 파르하드 삼지
주연 악쉐이 꾸마르, 리테쉬 데쉬무크, 아비쉑 밧찬, 재클린 페르난데스, 리사 헤이던, 나르기스
A father doesn't want his three daughters to get married. Now, it's up to three men to try to and convince the father that they're a good fit for his daughters.

토렌트 검색

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