imdb score6.7
imdb ranking0
하트만스 (2016) / Willkommen bei den Hartmanns
요약 - powered by
장르 코메디, 드라마
런타임 116분
제작사 Wiedemann & Berg Filmproduktion
감독 시몬 베호벤
주연 센타 버거, 하이너 로터바흐, 플로리안 데이비드 핏츠, 폴리나 로진스키, 엘리야스 엠바렉
A well-off Munich family offers boarding to a refugee. Diallo from Nigeria soon makes friends among the family members, but they are tested when they have to face racism, bureaucracy and terror suspicions because of him.

토렌트 검색

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